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A complete range of stepping motor drives featuring more than 60 models, divided into six main typologies:
Step&Direction, Step&Direction Advanced, Analog Input, Programmable, CanOpen, EtherCAT, Modbus TCP/IP.




Model Name Drive Type Bus Voltage Range (Volt.) Phase Current Range (Amp.) Dimensions (mm.) Suggested Motors (Flange size)
HGD 02 STEP/DIR 24 - 75 VDC 0.75 - 2.0 Open frame drive 70 x 70 x 25 mm NEMA 11, NEMA 17, NEMA 23, 60 mm.
HGD 05 STEP/DIR 24 - 75 VDC 2.25 - 6.0 Open frame drive 70 x 70 x 25 mm AMP connectors NEMA 11, NEMA 17, NEMA 23, 60 mm.


Model Name Drive Type Bus Voltage Range (Volt.) Phase Current Range (Amp.) Dimensions (mm.) Suggested Motors (Flange size)
SAC 25 STEP/DIR 24 - 50 VAC 1.7 - 3.0 Open frame drive 101 x 125 x 35 mm AMP connectors NEMA 17, NEMA 23, 60 mm, NEMA 34
SAC 26 STEP/DIR 24 - 50 VAC 3.4 - 6.0 Open frame drive 101 x 125 x 35 mm AMP connectors NEMA 17, NEMA 23, 60 mm, NEMA 34


Model Name Drive Type Bus Voltage Range (Volt.) Phase Current Range (Amp.) Dimensions (mm.) Suggested Motors (Flange size)
PLUS A3 STEP/DIR 39 - 85 VDC 2.4 - 8.0 Box 152 x 129 x 46 mm Plug_in connectors NEMA 17, NEMA 23, 60 mm, NEMA 34
PLUS A4 STEP/DIR 77 - 140 VDC 1.9 - 6.0 Box 152 x 129 x 46 mm Plug_in connectors NEMA 17, NEMA 23, 60 mm, NEMA 34
PLUS B3 STEP/DIR 28 - 62 VAC 2.4 - 8.0 Box 152 x 129 x 46 mm Plug_in connectors NEMA 17, NEMA 23, 60 mm, NEMA 34
PLUS B4 STEP/DIR 55 - 100 VAC 1.9 - 6.0 Box 152 x 129 x 46 mm Plug_in connectors NEMA 17, NEMA 23, 60 mm, NEMA 34
PLUS B7 STEP/DIR 28 - 62 VAC 3.0 - 10.0 Box 152 x 129 x 46 mm Plug_in connectors NEMA 23, 60 mm, NEMA 34
PLUS E3 STEP/DIR 28 - 62 VAC 2.4 - 8.0 Box 152 x 129 x 46 mm Plug_in connectors NEMA 17, NEMA 23, 60 mm, NEMA 34
PLUS E4 STEP/DIR 55 - 100 VAC 1.9 - 6.0 Box 152 x 129 x 46 mm Plug_in connectors NEMA 17, NEMA 23, 60 mm, NEMA 34


Model Name Drive Type Bus Voltage Range (Volt.) Phase Current Range (Amp.) Dimensions (mm.) Suggested Motors (Flange size)
X-PLUS B4 STEP/DIR 110 - 230 SUPPLY DIRECLTY FROM THE MAIN 2.4 - 4.0 Box 152 x 129 x 46 mm Plug_in connectors NEMA 34 (with rating for high voltage)


Model Name Drive Type Bus Voltage Range (Volt.) Phase Current Range (Amp.) Dimensions (mm.) Suggested Motors (Flange size)
X-MIND B4 STEP/DIR 110 - 230 SUPPLY DIRECLTY FROM THE MAIN 2.3 - 4.0 Box 180 x 173 x 53 mm Plug_in connectors NEMA 34 - NEMA 42 (with rating for high voltage)
X-MIND B6 STEP/DIR 110 - 230 SUPPLY DIRECLTY FROM THE MAIN 3.4 - 6.0 Box 180 x 173 x 53 mm Plug_in connectors NEMA 34 - NEMA 42 (with rating for high voltage)