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Stepping motor drive open-frame HGD 02
( 24 - 75 VDC 0.75 - 2.0 Amp )


► Series of ministep bipolar chopper drives, suitable for driving medium power two-phase stepping motors, with four, six or eight terminals.
► Highly compact (70×70×25 mm), easy to use and cost effective solution. This system is designed to be soldered to a PCB.
► Target: medium and medium-low power applications requiring increase in performance compared to self-built or integrated circuits combined with an improvement of reliability and durability.


► Microstepping function up to 3.200 step/rev.
► Separated solder type connectors for logic signals and power connections.
► Electronic damping facility for further acoustic noise and mechanic vibrations reduction at low and medium speed.
► Standard input and output signals ease interfacing with the most commonly used control systems and ensure high noise immunity.


► Version: open frame drive in 70 x 70 x 25 mm, equipped with connectors to be soldered on the PCB.
► Range of operating voltages: 24-75 VDC. Operation with a single external supply voltage.
► Range of current: 0.75-2 Amps. Setting up to six equidistant values by means of hardware connections.
► Microstepping: 400, 800, 1.600 and 3.200 steps /revolution. Setting by means of hardware connections.
► Automatic current reduction at motor standstill.
► Protections:
-Protection against under-voltage and over-voltage.
-Protection against a short-circuit at motor outputs.
-Overtemperature protection.
► Possibility to reduce motor current with an external logic signal.
► High efficiency CHOPPER with MOSFET final stage output.
► Electronic damping facility for further acoustic noise and mechanic vibrations reduction at low and medium speed.
► Warranty: 24 months.