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Stepping motor drive boxed ADW 94 (with Intelligent Speed Controller)


► ADW is the new R.T.A. electronic drive designed for all applications where accurate SPEED CONTROL is needed.
► The motor velocity can be regulated in 3 ways:
- Analog voltage input
- External potentiometer
- Internal speed settings
► The extended ADW power range (24-75 VDC, 0.65 - 6.0 Amps) and its versatility (4 Modes of Operation) allow to access to a wide variety of application fields.


► Any speed-regulated applications with variable or pre-set velocity setting.
► Conveyors:
- Single belt transport
- Multi belt transport with high precision position/speed synchronization.
► Jog or adjustment movements.
►UL Recognized


► Version: drive housed in a 129 x 110 x 34 mm metallic box, equipped with PHOENIX connectors.
► Range of operating voltage: 24-75 VDC.
► Range of current: 0.65-2 Amp. Easy setting of values by means of a dip-switch.
► Wide speed range: 0.8 rpm to 2,000 rpm. Continous operation zone up to approx 400 rpm, depending on motor choice.
► 64 internally selectable preset speed.
► 0-5Vdc or 0-10Vdc selectable analog command range.
► Low & High-speed motion profile.
► Adjustable internal acceleration/deceleration ramp.
► Voltage source for potentiometer available at connector.
► Auto-stop function.
► All opto-insulated digital inputs.
► Sync-out for multi-Axis synchronization.
► Over-voltage, short-circuit and thermal protection.
► Warranty: 24 months.


► Broader and more accurate speed range [0.8 rpm to 2,000 rpm].
► Zero-deviation motor speed control at any speed. [motor speed is not affected by variable factors like load, inertia or friction].
► The motors automatically act as brake at zero speed.
► Easy multi-axis synchronization in Position and Speed.
► No need of worm gearbox due to the high-torque at low rotation speed range [0-400 rpm].
► Smaller dimension: overall size < 1/3 compared with traditional AC Asynchronous sets.
► Lower weight.