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Flange size 85.5 mm. Nema 34


SANYO DENKI stepping motors SP series with protection degree IP 65 (also on the shaft side) have a higher resistance at dust & water and can be used in wet or dusty working environments.

  • Protection degree: FULL IP 65 - Splash proof & dust proof also on the shaft side, due to the presence of a sealing ring ("oil seal").
  • M12 IP65 connector on the motor for easy wiring.
  • High performance in terms of torque and power with compact size.
  • Coupling to drives with power supply directly from the main.
  • Class F insulation.
  • CE, UL and CSA marking.

    SANYO DENKI stepping motors SP2862-51SX01 is characterized by flange size 85.5 mm. ( NEMA 34 ) and guarantees high performance with holding torque up to 700 Ncm.
    Suggested R.T.A. driver: X-PLUS serie, X-MIND series (110-230Vac) .