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Stepping motor drive boxed CSD ET 04 ( EtherCAT )
( 24 - 48 VDC 4 Amp ) with Plug_in connectors


► New series of stepping motor drives with EtherCAT interface.
► Drives optimized for coupling with SANYO DENKI stepping motors, fitted with encoder.
► Compact system, developed to offer a wide variety of integrated functions and optimized for the most demanding motion control applications.


► Communication by means of EtherCAT interface.
► Modes of operation: PROFILE POSITION and CSP.
► Full digital microstepping drive.
► Extremely compact size.
► A highly sophisticated operation system, preserving anyhow the traditional ease of use of R.T.A. drives.
►UL Recognized


► Version: drive housed in a metallic box 130 x 106 x 32 mm, equipped with plug-in connectors.
► Range of operating voltages: 24-48 VDC.
► Nominal current.: 4 Amp.
► Protections:
-Protection against under-voltage and over-voltage.
-Protection against a short-circuit at motor outputs.
-Overtemperature protection.
► Electronic damping facility for further acoustic noise and mechanic vibrations reduction.
► Optoinsulated auxiliary and programmable inputs and outputs.
► Warranty: 24 months.


► Wide range of motor phase current setting.
► Motor current overboost.
► Intelligent management of the current profile.
► Communication by means of EtherCAT (CoE) interface.
► Modes of operation: PROFILE POSITION and CSP.
► Different variety of HOMING operation modes.
► Encoder feedback.