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Stepping motor drive boxed PLUS L5
( 28 - 62 VAC 4.4 - 8.0 Amp )


► Series of ministep bipolar chopper drives with an on-board programmable motion controller that can be used:
- for the interfacing, through RS485 serial line, with a central control system
- as an independent unit.
► Optimized for driving R.T.A. EM series stepping motors with encoder (86 mm and 60 mm flange sizes).
► Target: applications requiring a programmable motion controller and EM stepping motors. Control in a standard way (“OPEN LOOP”) but also give an alarm in case of loss of synchronism (“CLOSED LOOP”).


► Microstepping function up to 4.000 step/rev.
► Communication through RS485 serial line.
► Programmable motion controller allowing connection up to 48 drives on a single serial line.
► Setting of the sensitivity of the loss of synchronism alarm system.
► External fans not needed: ideal both for mounting inside a metallic electrical cabinet and for stand-alone applications.


► Version: drive housed in a metallic box 152 x 129 x 46 mm, equipped with plug-in connectors.
► Range of operating voltages: 28-62 VAC.
► Range of current: 4.4-8 Amps. Setting up to four possible values by means of a serial line.
► Microstepping: 400, 500, 800, 1.000, 1.600, 2.000, 3.200 and 4.000 steps/revolution. Setting by means of a serial line.
► Automatic current reduction at motor standstill.
► Protections:
-Protection against under-voltage and over-voltage.
-Protection against a short-circuit at motor outputs.
-Overtemperature protection with thermal sensor.
► Electronic damping facility for further acoustic noise and mechanic vibrations reduction.
► External fans not needed.
► Warranty: 24 months.


► Inputs for the connection of R.T.A. motors EM series encoder (NEMA 34 and 60 mm flange size).
► Output for the loss of synchronism alarm.
► Setting, by means of dip-switch, of the sensitivity of the loss of synchronism alarm system.


► Communication through RS485 serial line; up to 48 can be connected on a single serial line. One instruction can be broadcasted to all drives.
► Various type of available instructions, as for example: indexed run with ramp, free run with ramp, indexed run without ramp, run with a programmable braking distance, zero research. Space can be programmed in relative or absolute mode (linear or circular).
► Number of steps for indexed ramp up to ± 8.338.607 in relative or absolute mode, speed from 1 to 24.000 Hz in standard or increased resolution, ramp times from 16 to 1440 msec.
► Availability of instructions to development programs as, for example: conditional jump time delay, program block and recovery, I/O management, , FOR NEXT loop.
► Possibility to control the execution of 16 previously stored motion programs through hardware inputs. Accordingly, the drive can be used in stand-alone applications, without serial connection.
► 11 inputs and 6 outputs, all optically insulated. Among them 3 inputs and 4 outputs are freely programmable.
► Memory of 128 instructions kept also at drive switched-off and three run time instructions.
► A utility working in Windows® is available in order to ease motion programs development by the user.
► Alarm memory by use of yellow blinking led.