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  • The R.T.A. Group is a leading network of companies in the motion control industry. It is number one in Italy in the stepper systems market and number three in Europe in the stepper motor drives segment.

  • The Group is based on four operational companies: the headquarters R.T.A. s.r.l. (ITALY), founded in 1976, R.T.A. Deutschland (GERMANY), founded in 2008 and R.T.A. INDIA (INDIA), founded in 2019.

  • R.T.A. has been producing stepper motor drives since 1976: since then more than 1.000.000 stepper motor drives have been sold in Italy and in more than 40 countries worldwide.

  • The quality of production and sales process is guaranteed by a Quality Assurance System certified under the UNI EN ISO 9001 (TUV-50 100 2153) Norm.

  • Over time, the product line has been expanded through the creation of a partnership with Sanyo Denki, a leading Japanese company producing stepper motors, brushless systems and fans. The Group has been its Italian sole distributor since 1989, while distributorship has been granted in 2001 for Germany and in 2008 for Spain.